ADHD Coaching
What is ADHD Coaching
Anita is our specialist ADHD coach, she also has ADHD herself so she understands first hand how this can impact your home and business life.
ADHD specific coaching allows us to reflect on the common impairments of ADHD. Many of these symptoms are at least partly linked to challenges with executive function.
Anita works with clients to help them to identify which of these common challenges they face and how there home and business lives are being affected.
In the early stages of working together Anita will help you work out where you are now, where you want to get to. In doing this you will work together to find the tools and strategies to achieve this.
Anita is an experienced, empathetic coach. Her emotional intelligence and active listening skills ensure that clients are comfortable and have the space to really explore their ADHD and find the tools and strategies to succeed.
from £75 per hour
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